2016 Nissan NV400, low mileage
Cruise control & speed limiter
Leather seats
7'' colour monitor with horse area camera
Storage over cabin
Saddle & bridle racks to rear
Cushioned Bench seating with boot boxes
Blue calming night lights & White LED's
Additional window in horse area for light & ventilation as well as roof hatches
Ramp loading light for late night loading
Fully welded cage like super structure encasing the horses, adding strength to the side walls
Overhead padding on both sides
Easy close ramp with long arm ramp fasteners
Barn doors & ramp with durable grip rubber
Long stall padded partition made from aluminium round bar fully welded on spring loaded poles
Partition is easily lifted so can be removed and or opened up for the carriage of mares and foals and stowed along the passenger bulkhead, rear aluminium gates
Window bars
Custom made rug rack to rear
Horseshoe decals
Chrome hubcaps
New tyres, Spare wheel
Spare key
Serviced & DOE'd
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